Friday, August 1, 2008

Modi lets the past be forgotten

Lalit Modi is one of those men that lives in a bubble.

Like a politician or a troubled pop star, they don’t realise that what they say may sound a trifle stupid as all fuck to the rest of us.


Kent cannot play in the Champion super league thingy.

Middlesex (urgo Dirty Dirk) can.

That is fine, if they want to continue with their poxy ass rules.

But saying that Middlesex will ensure a wholesome tournament is the stupidest thing I have heard since I found out about the existence of chillows.

Wholesome tournament?

How is any tournament with Shane Warne in it wholesome?

And why does it need to be, it’s cricket, not a platform for middle American Christians

Lalit Modi is harldy the man to mention the word wholesome now is he.

He seems to think he is a better human being than a cricketer who played in the ICL.

Ian Harvey, journeyman cricketer, likes a beer and a fag, got offered large sums of money for a few weeks work at a time, took it, now annoys the English with his commentary.

Lalit Modi, pleaded guilty to kidnapping, enjoys Charlie, invented a cricket tournament that makes MCC members choke on their bile.

Who is more wholesome

Lalit, tell us it’s a commercial or power related decision, and we will understand, if not agree, tell us it’s wholesome and we will wonder what sort of family values campaign you are trying to run

Now with new proper english lady blogger.

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