Sunday, August 10, 2008

Kp leave the mambo to people who can dance

If I hear one more press related individual say KP is a good captain I will find them and defecate on their face.

I felt like jumping the fence today.

And I don’t even like the England.

But South Africa 6 wickets down, and England’s bowlers all pretty much on the money.

And KP decides to give AB DeVilliers singles.

I know the tail end mambo has been happening for years, but this was obscene.

AB had hardly hit a ball off the square.

Morne Morkel can handle a bat.

And KP completely shit himself.

Luckily for him, Morne can’t play Monty, and that partnership didn’t back fire on him.

Unluckily the next one did.

AB and Harris put on quite a few, exact numbers escape me as was getting drunk with the Suave one.

But it seemed like quite a few, as KP seemed to be willing his South African brother on to a hundred.

AB found form with the field back, and took every easy single on offer.

He didn’t farm the strike, he mowed it.

AB faltered, because, well who knows.

But he did.

And once he was out, England finished up easily.

My favourite part of the day, that didn’t involve getting drunk, was when KP took it to farcical levels when he took the new ball and for AB he had one slip and a gully.

An Englishman took issue at my KP abuse, and was in the middle of telling me AB wasn’t going to nick one, as he nicked one.

KP, 0, angry English nonce, 0, Jrod, 1.

Although I may be in the minus after my predictions

Now with new proper english lady blogger.

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