Thursday, August 14, 2008

cricinfo inspired love fable

I saw a headline on Cric Info that I didn’t bother to read the article of.

Lawson deployed.

I am assuming it is about Geoff Lawson, and him sucking up to anyone Ivory in order to get them to Pakistan.

But for just a mere moment I thought perhaps he had been deployed to Imran’s protection detail.

I imagine him in ratty fatigues, sensible boots and quite stylish glasses.

He held a kalashnikov on the steps of a mansion and was surrounded by Dhoni’s angels on all sides, literally surrounding him.

The enemy came and he went toe to toe with them, no quarters were given, or more importantly, asked for, and the fighting got nasty.

Finally with all of Dhoni’s Angels seeminglu terminated, and Geoff sporting a rather nasty bullet through the jaw, an enemy sniper raised her gun, and with her dying breath fired a bullet straight for Lawson’s heart.

And then, just as a bullet came for him, Shoaib dived in front of it, letting it him high on his chest as he sailed through in slow motion.

Shoaib stopped moving almost immediately, it was very dramatic, Shoaib’s publicist would alter be heard to say to many people holding microphones.

Geoff would take him in his arms and kiss Shoaib, the last kiss between to great lovers.

But as the kiss broke, Shoaib would come back to life, as there is no way a bullet could hit a target as small as his heart.

And they would walk hand in hand away from the conflict, into an unknown fighting the war on tony greig

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