Monday, August 25, 2008

thick necks and underwear

I tried to let Brett Lee and former Mrs Lee have their privacy.

I really did.

But they don’t want it to be private.

They want it to be in the media.

Well I refuse.

I don’t want to talk about Ms Kemp’s love affair with thick necked men.

I don’t care who her friends are.

No one needs to know.

They broke up.

He released an underwear line then pulled out of a tour and enough said really.

So for anyone tying any of this into google:

brett lee cheat

brett lee cricket

brett lee marriage break up reason

brett lee marriage end

brett lee marriage rumours

brett lee marriage rumours rugby

brett lee wife rugby player rumoured

brett lee wife rumours

brett lee, rumours

Or if you are one of the 60 odd others who typed Brett Lee into google.

There are more important things to talk about, like mints.

Matthew Hayden has also pulled out of the Bangladesh tour, although I suspect it’s because he wants to meet with Usain Bolt.

But probably not to have an affair with fighting the war on tony greig

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