Monday, August 25, 2008

more wacky googleness

There has been something in the air recently, this is a google hit list from only the last few days.

smith and kallis double team monty

This is not an image that anyone wants to think of, especially not Monty.

"jason krejza" drink driving

Apparently this is true, but the Australian team loves a good drunkard, and Shaun Marsh needs a partner on the booze.

do cricketers who wear eye liner get laid more

I would doubt it, even if they do naked photos and the like.

i have lost my outswinger

Outswing is so last century, grab a pack of murray mints and try reverse swing.

india fuck


matthew wade boring

Only to watch.

peter siddle highlights

not sure if you mean the shield final or the blond tips in his hair.

push my balls up my ass

If this is a request I pass.

shane watson's dirty dick

how do you know it’s dirty?

what does mcgain think about education

Nice Bryce is for education, you heard it here first.

you're so hot you could be a waitress

Or a part time model.

As of yet no one has googled for stella walsh or stanislawa fighting the war on tony greig

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