Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Australia's next top spinner - hosted by noted international cricket blogger Uncle Jrod

It comes down to this.

Three tickets.

Two spots on tour.

One test place.

Who ever wins India, gets a baggy green, it should be that simple.

So I will give my unbiased analysis of who should go.

Beautiful Beau?

Beau was the front runner, but Australia might have been willing to play a project player against the Windies, but India is a whole different kettle of sharks.

His demotion to the “A” squad says a few things, we want you to learn in India, we don’t think your ready yet, McGain and Krezja may be better short term prospects and Uncle Jrod was right, you are a bit shit.

I’d be surprised if India didn’t actually eat him alive, lucky a lot of them are vegetarians.

He still bowls a lot of average balls, he still doesn’t seem to work batsman over, he still seems to be learning his game, and he is still more of a part timer than a front liner.

Nice Bryce?

You would put your money on McGain, he has life experience, almost never bowls a bad ball and a computer bowling brain.

He really does seem to want to get out there and make a test debut against rabid Indians still reeling from the Mendis attack.

Out of the three, he is least likely to be overawed or forget how to bowl.

He is the one who gets picked because of bowling alone.

He has the best control, the best bowling brain, the best record, and is the one who is ready to perform internationally.

Krazy Krezja?

I have always rated him as a bowler, and I never understood why New South Wales went after guys like Hauritz and Casson while he was there.

Like the great Funky Miller , Krezja had to go down to the map of tassie to get noticed.

But like Casson, he is still more of a part time spinner, who bats a bit, rather than a proper spinner like spinner.

Picking finger spinners without domestic wickets has never ever worked for Australia in India.

Can bowl, but is more likely to be the back up, than ever be the main man.


McGain to play.

Krezja to tour.

Casson to play Gran Turismo at home.

What Will happen.

Casson to play, get smashed, and McGain or Krezja to be brought in as Casson will be in a padded fighting the war on tony greig

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