Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Cricket With Balls does it again, literally

David Hussey, in the Australian side.


Uncle Jrod in the wisden cricketer.


Natalie Portman nude in a film that mentions cricket.


And now we have got McGain a ticket to India.

An “Australia A” gig, but a real life E Ticket on a plane to play cricket in India with the words Australia on his hat.

Pat your self on the back readers.

McGain finds himself in a “bowl off” with “talk about me” Jason Krezja and “The Young & the Restless” Beau Casson.

The world seems a less cold place today.

The flowers are blooming.

The kids are smiling.

And an Aging Experienced Victorian Warrior gets a step closer to glory.

Glory that is rightfully his.

Glory that no man, woman, child, god or Alien would dare to stop him from.

Bryce, the chickens is coming home to roost dude.

I can only take you so far Bryce, I got you a ticket, but only you can get the wickets.

And the banner on this site was written a week ago.

Thanks to Homer for bringing this to my fighting the war on tony greig

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