Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Ricky says No, No, No

FINALLY, the Australian cricketers have made the official decision they unofficially made months ago.

Bitch Please, we aint going to Pakistan.

If the PCB ever really thought the Australians were coming over, they need to be drug tested next to Asif.

No one other than the ICC accountant cares about this tournament, so the players should have said from the start, we are afraid of bombs, and we aint coming, no matter what your experts say.

But why does everything take so long.

Australia weren’t going to Pakistan in March for tests, they sure as shit weren’t going in September for this Mickey Mouse shit.

The real question is why did they ask for their the ICC to do security tests, and then ignore the results.

Just pull out, and let the countries who aren’t afraid of Jihad get on with their lives.

Australians have never cared about the ICC knockout for cash cup, well until they realised they had won everything else, so why even waste the ICC’s time.

Just tell em you aint goin and get back to Wentworth Park for the 4th.

A lot of Australians will say that Pakistan is the most dangerous place on earth, but the are forgetting about Dandenong train station and the fighting the war on tony greig

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