Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Celebrate Keith Miller day

Today is Don Bradman's birthday.

People will gush about him.

Old journalists will fill buckets with their semen.

And politicians will rush to microphones to say all sorts of nice things about him.

You will not see affection for Don Bradman here.

I don’t care for the man.

His birthday means nothing to me.

I don’t give a rats ass..

The man is a dead over achiever.

Sure he made a lot of runs.

And I am sure he is a better batsman than Mark Butcher.

But I don’t care.

That is why I am proclaiming the 27th of August, Keith Miller Day.

Ways you can celebrate Keith Miller day.

Kick an aussie rules football.

Fuck a member of royalty.

Talk to Michael Parkinson.

Shoot down a German war plane.

Or show general indifference to Bradman as a legend.www.cricketwithballs.com... fighting the war on tony greig

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