Sunday, August 24, 2008

Token Olympics post

So, the Olympics are over, Boris has the torch, the big airport welcome for the British athletes has been cancelled because of security fears (boding well for 2012), and you can all get back to watching the cricket without worrying about missing any rhythmic gymnastics.

Except for this. Usain Bolt, who I adore, likes cricket, and when asked who he would like to meet, said...

Matthew Hayden.

Now, we don't have the same level of Matthew Hayden hatred here as, say, this guy, but he is definitely at the "players we don't like" end of the spectrum, and for Usain to pick Hayden is all kinds of wrong.

First, this isn't helpng the drug rumours*.

Secondly, REALLY??? Nobody else you'd rather meet? You're a wildly talented showboating kind of guy, so I think you'd like Shane Warne. Hayden would take you fishing and read exerpts from the Bible! Where's the fun in that?

The crumb of comfort in the article is this:

"Most of the international media listening to Bolt's interview didn't know who Hayden was".

*Legal note: I don't actually think he takes fighting the war on tony greig

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