Saturday, August 16, 2008

Mahela Jayawardene talks sense, other people talk crazy

Now, I like cricket as much as (ok, probably a lot more than) the next person. I do enjoy Twenty20, and can appreciate its qualities. But I don't like it when the following things happen:

1) A test series is truncated, to make way for shorter forms of the game. Seven ODIs are too many.

2) Test dates (that people have, presumably, already made plans around / bought tickets for) are moved and the Test calendar compressed to make way for shorter forms of the game.

I have the following points to make.

1) If any player complains about burnout and then competes in a big money tournament that's squished between other commitments, then I shall hunt them down and bitch-slap them into next week.

2) If any player complains about terrorist risks, and then competes in a big money tournament in a country they've previously declared to be too risky, I shall hunt them down and bitch-slap them into next YEAR. No, beyond next year, so that they miss the Ashes.

3) All this Twenty20, it's a bit like when shrugs were in fashion. Fashion People thought "ooh, yes, let's make millions of these, women seem to like them even though they're a bit redonk looking". People Who Wear Clothes In Real Life thought "I'll run with this, and they suit a purpose, but I prefer proper little cardigans. They'll never get rid of cardigans, surely? they're CARDIGANS! It'll never happen! you can't just get rid of cardigans!". Fashion, though, thought that they knew better, and kept producing the shrugs because lots of people bought them, even though there'd always been an unabated market for cardigans, and have you seen how hard it is nowadays to find a decent cardigan that hasn't been sullied with an ill-thought-out ruffle, embroidery or (shudder) piece of applique?

Don't even get me started on the phenomenon of the oversized clutch bag. Handles were originally placed on bags this size for a reason, Fashion!

Apologies, I'm digressing.

4) Mahela has a point. fighting the war on tony greig

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