Tuesday, August 12, 2008

the sordid tale of the one armed gimp

Paul Harris is not a test class bowler.

Neither am I.

Whether this makes it easier for me to spot or not is something we can debate another time.

But Paul, definitely not.

He is not a spinner of a cricket ball.

He is a cutter.

Which is fine, if you have other things going for you.



Mystery balls.


Harris has none.

He simply puts the ball on a goodish length and waits for batsman to make mistakes.

His job is far easier than most spinners in world cricket.

As he has 4 reasonably quality quick bowlers getting wickets before he comes into the attack.

This could explain his not too shabby test average of 32.

Either that or El Nino.

Looking deeper into his record shows that he has only taken 46 wickets in 17 tests, which tells you that he only bowls when the real bowlers (in South Africa this means quick bowlers) are tired or getting no where.

Some people might think I have something against Harris because of his freakish non front arm bowling action.

Not true.

Others may think my problem with him lies in the fact he jumps up like an Alzheimers sufferer playing bingo after every freaking ball.

Also not true.

A few may think his silly faux mo hawk is a defining factor.


And the rest may think I don’t like him purely because he is South African.

Probably not true.

Mostly it’s because he is a token spinner.

Not his fault mind you, but he is.

He is there because South African think 3 proper quicks and an aging, ever widening all rounder are enough to get 20 wickets most of the time, but when they need a break lets throw the ball to the one armed gimp.


Pick your best 4 bowlers South Africa, for once.www.cricketwithballs.com

Now with new proper english lady blogger.

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