Thursday, August 14, 2008

fuck the ashes, bring on the saffas

Right now I couldn't give a rats ass about the ashes.

Because Australia have a home series against the South Africans to win.

So KP, all the English press and anyone else who thinks there is only one series in the world can kiss my ass.

If we lose to South Africa at home, 2000 and 5 will feel like a fucking good time to be alive.

Australia will no longer be the worlds best team, and it's been a long time since I have had to deal with that reality.

I know they aren't very good.

I have mentioned this robustly, but neither is any other side in the world.

South Africa still have a shaky top 7, and their bowlers didn't impress in England.

India look the real deal at times, and look like Walter Matthau and Jack Lemon at others.

Sri Lanka got smoked in Australia, and then looked asleep against the Windies, but are currently riding the Mendis steam train of love.

England just lost to South Africa at home, so I am wasting key strokes here.

If Australia can stay number one through their transission stage, we may see another decade of them on top.

But if South Africa beat them at home, well, my my, my reality matrix will be seriously fucked up.

Down will become up, Orwellian mathematics will be applied, healthy food will taste good, reality tv will make sense, and Natalie Portman will lose her appeal.

I am sorry South Africa I am not ready for that life change right now, so for the good of my mental health you will have to lose.

You know, like you always do against fighting the war on tony greig

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