Monday, August 11, 2008

no stale deyn, no hope

England has to chase less than 200 today.

They should do it with a leg in the air, and the arrogance of an alley cat.

But, strange things happen when chasing in tests.

Actually, strange things used to happen in tests.

Now, teams chase down totals like they are three legged dogs.

Pitches don’t fall apart like they use to, and neither do 4th innings totals.

I saw no signs yesterday of the pitch doing anything untoward.

And with Ntini, Morkel and Nel, you would say they are missing a Steyn or two to give England a big scare.

Ntini may have taken 5 wickets, but i still think he would be better served by going to the knackery.

Morkel looks the goods, but he is a touch flat at the moment.

Nel is their one hope, as he could inspire anyone, probably, but he isn't good for more than 3 or 4 wickets.

I will go tomorrow anyway, mostly because it is cheap and I will hope for wickets, pressure, and tragic endings, as that is my kind of test cricket.

I expect England to win with 3 wickets down.

And we all know how good my predictions

Now with new proper english lady blogger.

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