Sunday, August 24, 2008

tugga inspires Australia to average performance

I hate the Olympics.

Hence why it hasn’t been mentioned here (by me).

But I did see a bit of the closing ceremony.

Not sure why, but it could be my love of robotic looking asian girls who play metal drums standing up.

And I was waiting for the cricket to come on.

But what did I see, Steve fucking Waugh.

Looking a little uncomfortable to be honest.

Even more than when he faced a fast short ball.

I could be wrong, but I think he was there as some sort of mentor towards the Olympians on how to handle the pressure of expectation and so forth.

Or he might have been there to teach them the art of sledging mental disintegration.

I doubt it though.

I saw no Australian sailers with bull horns abusing other sailers.

No synchronised swimmers writing notes on the bottom of the pool about how bad their technique is.

And most importantly none of the Australian boomers, the brilliantly named Australian men’s basketball team, started bowling bouncers at the Dream team.

So what did Steve Waugh do?

Inspire through his presence.

Give advice on sensible hair cuts.

Feed the Chinese Lepers.

Or get a free holiday to China.

All of which are noble fighting the war on tony greig

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