Thursday, August 21, 2008

Brett Lee doesn't smoke

Brett Lee has separated from his wife.

How is that news?

Why do I need to know that?

If a man and a woman are having troubles in their relationship, I don’t need to know.

Lee’s people don’t need to make public announcements.

As long as he isn’t beating her, having sex with children or animals, what ever happens between him and his wife is his business.

If he wants to have homosexual love fests with a bunch of bears that like to rim job during defecation, he can.

If he wants to be dominated by a 7 foot tall Chinese woman who strips him down naked coats him in marmite and likes to slap him with sticks of bamboo while singing show tunes, he can.

All I need to know about Brett Lee is that he takes wickets.

And the occasionally swipe over mid off.

I don’t care about his love life, or his relationship.

Since when isn’t personal reasons enough to pull out of a tour anyway.

Yesterday I bagged Lee, not because he pulled out of the tour, but because his underpants sale went on.

But I didn’t want to know what the family reason was.

Does anyone benefit by knowing where Bill Clinton’s cigars have been?

Sure I take this piss out of the players, especially of useless rumours about them, but i don't think anyone needs to know if Lee's marriage is on the fighting the war on tony greig

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