Friday, August 22, 2008


Australia aren’t going to Pakistan.

Now South Africa aren’t going.

England aren’t sure, but Graeme Swann is playing, with himself if he has to.

New Zealand probably won’t go.

This would never have happened if the ICC “show us the money” tournament was in Canada.

Who has ever been afraid to go to Canada, other than the South Park boys.

I think that if this tournament should go ahead, it should be in developing nations.

Give away free tickets, they’ll still make the money from TV rights, the smaller countries will feel excited to be there, and new people will see the game.

Of course that doesn’t help Pakistan, you remember them, white people used to play cricket there.

This tournament should just be cancelled, or quickly moved to somewhere else, and the white teams need to be made to explain exactly why they don’t want to travel there.

Not hide behind a 2 day security report, but explain why they asked for an ICC security report, that said touring was ok and still pulled out.

Then they tournament should be moved to Canada.

Don’t you think? fighting the war on tony greig

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