Tuesday, August 19, 2008

It’s in his piss, that's where it is

Asif, former goat herder turned modern day Bela Lugosi, has had his B sample come back with the Roids still in it.

But his lawyer has an erection that could bring down an oak tree, the sample has a different level of Nandrolone in it.

“A” sample, 6.2mg.

“B” sample, 5.4mg.

The lawyer has said that they can contest the samples, even if both of them have Roids in them.

I say that is rubbish, what Asif should do is simple, ask for the “I” sample.

Mathematics are on his side.

Sunil Gavaskar is on the IPL tribunal, and he and two other less crickety guys will make the final decision.

But I think Lalit Modi should be on the tribunal.

After all, he is an expert in the drug field.www.cricketwithballs.com... fighting the war on tony greig

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