Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Chris Gayle has been toing and froing when it comes to the West Indian captaincy.

At first he was reluctant to take the job, but then when he did, his team had their best performaces for quite some time, and more than once, he smiled.

Then Australia came over and ground out two victories and Chris had better things to do with his time than give press conferences.

Eventually, after what seemed a pornographically long wait, he told them he was out.

But they couldn't let go, they sent him flowers, got family members, asked his friends to help, and eventually Chris decided that he wanted to be captain again.

I don't blame Gayle, if your not a captaincy sort of chap, you can't force it, but it must be hard to say no to your country like that.

Like Toby Ziegler says, it isn't a job someone asks you to do, you should have a burning desire to do it.

Gayle doesn't.

He is unsure, he has baulked several times.

He isn't calling.

He has to be wooed.

He breaks dates.

He has other things on his mind.

Basically he's just not that into you.

So find a man that will treat you right, who wants to be with you, and kick him to the curb girlfriend.www.cricketwithballs.com

Now with new proper english lady blogger.

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