Sunday, August 31, 2008

40 over cricket, it's 50 over cricket without the constipation

I don’t understand how 40 over cricket helps English cricket.

I have no idea why the Pro40 seems to be such a major part of the English calendar.

But it is.

And thusly is on Sky about 5 times a week.

Before I came to England I didn’t even know 40 over cricket existed.

Now I am a fan.

The best bit about One day cricket is the start and the end.

The middle is fuckemewitharollingpin boring.

The 20 to 40 over mark.

It’s the accumulation, consolation, the rush through with crap spinner period of the game.

On the odd occasion a side is taking the attack on, or a bowler is ripping through the batsman, and it can be palatable.

That does not happen often.

But in 40 over cricket, half of that is removed.

And the game is 40% more entertaining because of this.

The rules are all similar.

15 over field restrictions, 8 overs per bowler, and the like.

There just doesn’t seem to be as much gentle manipulation of the ball.

It’s like 2020 style cricket, but you need double the ability.

Or as the advert says 2020, with twice the balls.

If it replaced One day cricket tomorrow, I guarantee that you, yes you, would appreciate the new format.

It won’t though.

Which is a shame, because it could ensure that people keep enjoying the one day game.

And even England is getting rid of it, for the betterment of their national team, but to the detriment of their domestic fighting the war on tony greig

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