Monday, August 25, 2008

Is this a mint which I see before me

We now know that Marcus Trescothick is one horrendous cheat.

Because he told us, and look at his eyes.

If you want to know the full story buy his book coming over me.

Less than a year after he cheated his career was over with depression.

Because some men are made to be cheats, and then there is Marcus.

Marcus has been chased by the ghost of Banquo ever since.

Yes I’m using Shakespeare, but try to follow.

MacBeth ordered Banquo (2005 Ashes) and his son Fleance (future ashes) killed.

Only Banquo was killed, Fleance survived.

When Banquo was killed, he came back to MacBeth in ghost form, and tormented the fucker for his actions.

In conculsion: The ghost of cheating at the 2005 ashes has stalked Marcus ever since, and that is why he is depressed.

Also Lady Macbeth was hard work.

So Karma (or the ghost) got the better of this fresh mouthed fucker.

The Australian players lost an Ashes, got fired up, smoked England in the next series while Marcus sat at home and fought with the black dog.

A 30 year old cricketer was lost to the game, England now look as dodgy as Pakistan at their foulest and Australia has all the necessary motivation to win next years Ashes.

Thanks Marcus, if it wasn’t for you I might never have seen a 5 nil drubbing of fighting the war on tony greig

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