Monday, August 18, 2008

I'm back

The festival has drawn to a close and I am no longer in Wales or drunk.

But am tired and only have a little something for you.

This is my mate Stu doing his Alistair Cook impression.

Sorry to all the ladies, and men, who thought that this photo would be of Stu naked holding a bat.

He did do a photo like that, but this is a fucken family blog after all, and he was oly holding a mini bat, so it's kinda creepy.

Oh and my google hits are down so, Alistair Cook naked, Alistair Cook nude, Alistair Cook has a better body than James Anderson (who's body looks a bit like Mr Burns).

Also would like to point out that while I was in Wales, this blog kept running like a well oiled machine thanks to Miriam.

But republique cricket was at a stand still.

Fail? fighting the war on tony greig

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