Saturday, August 9, 2008

Mendis mystery sauce special

I aw one hour and 15 minutes of cricket yesterday.

Most of that was Anderson and Harmison wasting conditions.

Amla sparkled, never thought I’d write that in a sentence, and the rain finished it all.

If however I had only been one continent away, I would have seen the King a proper test hundred to drag his team mates into some sort of test winning position.

Anyone who has seen the India v Sri Lanka series should be thanking whomever it is they thank in moments like this.

Sehwag preaching sehwagology all over the place.

Murali as usual.

Bhaji doing less commando rolls, taking more wickets.

Mendis and his mystery nuts.

And now the King ruling the roost when it counts.

This is a proper series of test match cricket.

Ofcourse no one outside of Zee TV subscribers can look at it.

Not sure how many non subbies have Zee.

12, 13 people maybe.

Tony Greig probably.

This could all be averted by me purchasing Zee, or similar next time.

Next time could be 3 years away.

By then…

Kumar will have become an astronaut and started fighting aliens on a far off planet.

Sehwag would have been burned as a heretic.

Murali would get tennis elbow.

Bhaji would have his own chat show.

And Mendis will be serving mystery sauce at his local burger

Now with new proper english lady blogger.

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