Monday, February 25, 2008

Why do you hate Jacques?

On the back of jacques getting voted the most hated probot and him taking away the kittens ball of wool in Mirpur, I thought I would delve deep into the psyche of the man.

I have always suspected there was something wrong with Jacques Kallis.

No I don’t mean because he is dopey and boring, I mean something deeply wrong, even more so than just being South African.

He is almost universally hated, take out Ganguly, Smith and Ponting and he is probably the most despised person in world cricket.

But the other guys in this list have an excuse, they've been captains.

Jacques is just a player.

He hardly gives press conferences, which is lucky otherwise he would be even less popular.

According to some people he is the best South African player since apartied.

So he is better than a match fixer, a red head and one sh1t hot fast bowler.

Aside from Donald it's like me saying I'm better looking than Kamran Akmal.

But why do we all hate him?

Do we think he is evil? Even more so than the usual South African.

Is it because he seems like an arrogant pr1ck, because if thats the case, no one would like any Australians.

Could it be that his 4 foot wide of off stump out swingers seem to get way more wickets than they are supposed to. He isn't the first bowler to do that.

Perhaps it's cause he looks lazy, and like he doesn't try, but Mark Waugh and David Gower were similar.

He's not the only ugly smug pr1ck with a hot girl, so I doubt thats it.

It can't just be cause he is good, cause lots of good players are liked by people, even South Africans.

Being a boring twat doesn't mean that people don't like you, infact for some people it means a great career in the media.

I think it's his face, I assume if I saw him in a pub, I'd wanna headbutt him.

Also he looks like an SS officer for the Nazis.

I don’t know how you feel, but I’m not a big fan of the Nazis.

Why do you hate Jacques? "Sign our David Hussey petition"

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