Thursday, February 14, 2008

the perfect boyfriends perfect shot

One day cricket is not really my bag.

I’m not a cricket elitist, I like slogging and yorkers, I just don’t like the middle bit where guys like Bevan, Harris and Chandrepaul bat for their livelihoods.

Then the perfect Boyfriend Oram does something that reminds me of the wonders of one day cricket.

He hits a six over point of a near yorker.

Writing it down does not do it justice.

The shot was so sexy that Simon Doull had to call for the jizz mopper to come in and clean the booth just so he could see the action again.

Ian Smith is now just a shell of a man, he has no internal juices left.

In some ways the shot was lessened, it was hit off a English medium pacer, on a postage stamp, from a free hit ball, but the serious awesomeness of a square drive off a near yorker for six over rides all other factors.

You all know I love Oram batting, but this shot would convert baseballers to cricket, Muslims to Scientologoly, and Bob Dylanites to Britney.

If this shot was a sexuality, you’d want to try it.

Wow my screen is covered with something, will have to get Ian Smiths jizz mopper in here as "losing the war on over rates, winning the war on tony greig"

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