Thursday, February 28, 2008

not a good week to be a BBM

Not a good week for fat boys.

Firstly Badonkadonk Ryder cuts up his hand whilst trying to have a p1ss.

Then junior boof Mark Cosgrove gets dropped for bad form and bad shape by South Australia.

He was less than impressed with being dropped, and even less so that weight was mentioned to the press, even though it was not advised to him.

But Mark lets be honest, you haven’t made a cracker this year.

Dizzy Gillespie and Manou have out batted you.

The only runs you’ve got this year, is the after mac crap.

Regardless of your weight, you have been in sh1t form, and the minute a fat man fails, they are gonna get rid of him quicker than a slim lined version.

Because you are costing them a fortune in catering bills.

If you make a thousand runs a year, they will pay for the extra extra extra large uniforms without flinching.

But until then you’re an expendable "Sign our David Hussey petition"

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