Sunday, February 10, 2008

cricket fashion watch

One day uniforms have always been odd.

Australia had it’s fixation with canary yellow.

The Asian teams preferred ill fitting tops that looked cheap.

And the West Indies once wore pink.

For a while there i thought the admistracrats were on track with fashion, but i was wrong.

Ricky Ponting’s chaps currently wear something that zips up to their necks, similar to what my gay friends wear. That’s the one day strip, but the 2020 strip involves a bicep hugging top that was previously the domain of boy bands and hides nothing on the chunkier boys.

The Indian team have come up with a brilliant design which includes handkerchiefs on their elbows. And knee pads (I think) for the players to use when they fall over when they are attempting a dive.

Fashion and cricket have never looked so "the only cricket blog that offers $ex with evil dragons"

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