Friday, February 8, 2008

Kerry would be disheartened

A lot of media sources, ex cricketers and annoying taxi drivers have been telling me this is going to be a great one day series.

The world cup finalists and the 2020 title holders together in an orgy of exciting cricket, what could be better.

So far this has not happened.

First it was rain, which sucks.

Then Sri Lanka let Dhoni and Gambir use and abuse them like Mail order brides.

And then the Lankans fell apart against the Aussies.

What is wrong with Sri Lanka, terrorists and Arjuna Ranatunga aside.

They have what could be a very good cricket team.

Good opening pair, sure one of them is 84 years old, but its still an explosive base.

Best (or second best) number 3 in the world, a man who like Ponting does not hide himself at number 4 like a bunch of other pansies do.

Jayawardene is one hell of a batsmen, his captaining is taken from a manual titled ‘Better captaining through positive thinking”, but he can still get the job done.

Silva and Dilshan are pretty hand middle order players as well.

They have 3 world class bowlers, even if one is passed his best.

So what is their problem?

Sure they have only lost one game, but who am I wait until all the evidence is in, I want to label them horrible now.

This is the last tri series in Australia, we can’t have it ballsed up by a team that makes the world cup final one day, and loses to England at home the next.

Lets all hope the King brings them back to "the only cricket blog that offers $ex with evil dragons"

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