Thursday, February 7, 2008

Uncle J rod's guide to writing a cricket blog

One dayers bore me, so instead of putting up nude pictures of Shane Watson, praising Australia’s most in form Spinner, CWB’s Bryce McGain or writing about cricketers being good boyfriends, I thought I’d give a 12 part series (probably less than 12) on how to write cricket blogs.

Perhaps I’ll learn something.

Episode one.

Why write a cricket blog?

Everyone wants to write a cricket blog, they are in the in thing.

Britney Spears is in rehab because she can’t write one.

Ol Heath got disappointed with his blog and couldn’t sleep it off.

And Russell Crowe throws phones because everytime he goes to write a cricket blog, Martin Crowe makes a weird press conference.

When writing a cricket blog you must ask yourself one question, am I interesting, the answer is no. Therefore a cricket blog will automatically make you more interesting. So hurry up and write one.

What are you trying to say? Do you have an over riding agenda, like to make china a superpower in cricket, or to get Robert Key promoted. Are y the political and social aspects of the game what you wanna deal with. Perhaps it’s the pop culture that you wax lyrical about. Or you’re a pervert who wants to include sexual references into every day cricket talk. It would help if you knew what your message was.

Has someone else said it already? Is there really a need for your cricket views to be given their own blog. Couldn’t it work better on forums, and in the comments of other blogs. Hasn’t someone else talked about Tim May’s ill fitting suits, isn’t there enough information on Dhoni’s love life, do you have a truly original cricket pun in you? There are a million cricket blogs, so before you start one, go through them all and see if you have something to say that hasn’t been said before. Or copy from them.

Do you have the time to make a cricket blog? Unless your like me, and can write a blog in 8 minutes, a blog can take a lot of time. Sometimes nothing happens in cricket, sometimes you don’t want to write about cricket, sometimes your mum won’t get out of your room and from time to time cricket is boring. All these things make it harder to write about cricket, will you be able to write 3 or 4 times a week, and make it interesting.

How will I say it? Is your words good, did your mum say you was really good. Writing about cricket is the same as writing about anything, you have to know what you are talking about, and make it interesting to read, other wise you should just get a job at cricinfo. Even if you’re a very intelligent witty person, if you can’t translate that into a cricket blog, you may as well not make an @ss clown of yourself.

Do you have a thick skin? What if your writing style is called playschoolesque and someone says you should forget about using a keyboard and start using crayons. What if your words are called rubbish, racist, misogynist drivel, will you be able to soldier on or will you fold. Remember most people are @ssholes, and they don't care that you put your heart and soul into bagging Shaun Pollock, they just hate you for no good reason, or they have red hair.

Is having a cricket blog going to get you laid? Sure.

Are my opinions ludacris enough to be laughed at by the mainstream media? I would certainly hope so, if you aren't going to whinge about commentators, invent conspiracy theories, laugh at (c)rap cricketers, compare test teams to women you have slept with, why are you thinking of making a blog. Cricket blogs are not for fair and balanced cricket theorists, they are for raving looneys who think Sourav Ganguly is infact a giant lizard sent by aliens to destroy us all. Do you have that in you?

Why do you want to write a cricket blog? If it isn’t because you want to take over the world, then is there really a point.

Do you have a big enough ego? Are you self important enough to think your views on cricket are so much cleverer than all the professional journalists and ex players who sprout them ad nausea every other day. It better be. You must at least think you have more to add to the cricket world than say Tony "the only cricket blog that offers $ex with evil dragons"

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