Thursday, February 28, 2008

fine their organs

When I’m not pushing bandwagons for Bryce or getting people to sign David Hussey petitions, I’m trying to bring in a radical new punishment for slow over rates.


Any captain whose over rates are horrid, should be castrated.

Ricky, Anil, Daniel, all of them, there should be no exceptions, even little Ashraful, who may not have even used his organ yet.

The latest captain to be fined for slow over rates is Graeme Smith.

He lost 30% of his match fee, because his side had a shocking over rate against Bangladesh.

It took forever to set fields against Bangladesh.


The same Bangladesh that made less than 380 runs in the match.

How could these fields take to long to set?

Did I mention it was Bangladesh?

South Africa were only in the field for 120 overs.

4 sessions, and they still went over.

Castration should be the minimum punishment for this indiscretion.

And in the case of Graeme Smith, it’s also a public service initiative for future "Sign our David Hussey petition"

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