Thursday, February 21, 2008

Who to barrack for in the IPL

I was over at Miss Field’s blog and she was trying to decided what team to barrack for.

I thought my decision was already made for me, Kolkota was where David Hussey is going and therefore shall be my side.

But shock horror, Sourav Ganguly is an iCON for that side, and therefore I cannot and will not support them.

So I decided that I should support Cameron White’s side.

But it has Jacques Kallis in it.

Perhaps Warney’s side, nope Graeme Smith.

So I went through the whole list of 8 teams, and the only team I got close to supporting was Mohali, but they have Simon Katich, and I have never been a fan of crabs.

I understand that part of the reasons I don’t like these sides is almost all of them have South Africans in them, but really, is there a line up here that is instantly likeable?

The selections are odd at best.

I wonder how many of these millionaires got in cricket advisors to help them, because these selections look like drunken goats made them.

Hydrabad has an amazing list of match winners, but they still felt the need to get two out of form over the hill guys in Styris and Gibbs.

What was Bangalore doing, they have picked a test team to play 2020. Dravid, Kallis, Jaffer, Chandrepaul and Kumble, that’s a line up for a 20 day test.

Mumbai spent all their money on Sanath and Sachin, and have no real middle order. Although I do like the name Loots Bosman. Loooots Bosmaaaaan, I like it.

Jaipur’s team would struggle to beat Bermuda, even if Warne took a bag of 7 wickets. Justin Langer, Graeme Smith and Kamran Akmal together at last.

Chennai have a some superstars, some dead wood, a really bad name and Stephen Fleming, who was bought for press conferences.

Kolkata has a superstar line up, that on paper stands well above the others, which proves Sourav is a clever guy, even if no one out side of India likes him.

Dehli have a team its hard to get a handle on, but thing this is for sure, they weren’t going for flashy big names. This is the dimmeys and forges side.

Mohali have a sense of humour picking Katich and Powar. Their team is not too bad though, Powar must have been picked for his speed in the outfield.

If I was a betting man, which I am, I would say Kolkata and Mohali have the best sides.

May the most expensive team "Sign our David Hussey petition"

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