Sunday, June 15, 2008

Xavier & Beau

Xavier Marshall is one lucky mofo.

I think he gave oral pleasure to a leprechaun, or did despicable things with a rabbit foot.

How many times did that dude get a reprieve?

Katich with another sitter.

Haddin, in an “I’m no better with the gloves than Gilly” shocker.

Katich, again, this time a finger tipper, where his greatest crime was his reach.

And Ricky and Clarke looking deeply into each others eyes as the ball dissected them.

What is the common denominator here, all these mistakes were committed by people living in New South Wales.

And every front line bowler (if Beau and Johnson can be regarded as so) had at least one chance go wandering.

I do think Marshall can bat, but he sure can't think.

At what stage did he think, perhaps I should stop riding my luck and shut up shop for a while.

At no stage did he do so.

Then again, why should he, with luck like that you might as well ride it.

Finally Casson got him with a straight one.

No luck in that really.

Twas a great catch from phabulous phil jacques under the grill.

Casson bowled far better in this innings, but still looked no where near a test match spinner.

Comparing him to the trip happy Benn, he looks two thirds as good.

And yet again, just for kicks, Michael Clarke stretched out his dodgy back to prove that he is the best performed Australian spinner in test cricket since Warne retired.

Let’s see if he can out bowl Casson tonight, or if he can out bowl McGain in India.

Special comments while Casson bowled, Gleg Blewett saying that one went on with the arm, which ofcourse doesn't really compute for wrist spinner.

And Pommie saying "that Casson over" really quickly so it sounded like he was making a love rat jibe, and no one making a joke about it. He may not be around for long people, you have to get em in

Now with new proper english lady blogger.

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