Monday, June 16, 2008

Dwayne Bravo, welcome to the list

I saw Bravo make a test match hundred against Australia in Hobart.

It was a a very well made knock, that looked like it would catapult him to greater things.

So far that is the great thing.

Nothing more.

Some people have dropped off him.

But still I supported him.

I gave him a nick name, Smackdown.

I said many nice things about him, like I think Bravo is a gun player, who probably needs stick and carrot type handling.
How does he repay my faith.

He gets beaten up at the crease by Brett Lee.

And instead of taking the hits, toughing it out, and making a big time hundred, he asked for a chest guard, showed his pain and refused a single so he wouldn’t have to face Brett Lee again.


No test match number six should be refusing singles so he can hide from an opening bowler.

This is not test match behaviour Dwayne.

This is English professional behaviour.

You should be dropped for this.

And when you are reinstated you should be bat at 8, which is where the scared tailenders bat.

Test match cricket was not meant to be easy.

People lose teeth, break bones and risk their body.

You are clearly not up to this kind of physical and mental testing.

The West Indies deserve way more than a wimp at number 6.

And don’t think the Australians will ever forget this Dwayne.

They will target you from here on in, every time you play a test against them you will be singled out.

It should be clear to all fans of West Indian cricket why you have never made the most of your potential.

Soft cricketers don’t make test match cricketers.

Chris Gayle has not mentioned it, and I have searched the internet and can't find anyone who has taken you to task for it.

You guys get special treatment because you are a young side on the up.

Fuck that, I will give you no such special treatment, you are a test playing nation, you are a test player, either step up or fuck off.

The Windies deserve to be treated better than

Now with new proper english lady blogger.

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