Thursday, June 19, 2008


Mohammad Asif’s drug possession case has been dropped due to insignificance.

One of those front page, around the world type insignificant stories.

If he was so insignificant, why the hell has this taken so freakin long?

Insignificant is, oh he has a joint, fuck it, fuck off and never come back.

It’s not holding him for 17 days while every media outfit can lodge 12 stories and every blogger can get away with 10 jokes.

Could it be that the PCB have made this insignificant by asserting some friendly arm twisting to Dubai officials.

Now it looks like Asif will have to face up to an anti drug taking commission.


Who hasn’t wanted to take drugs through Dubai?

What sort of a professional athlete doesn’t need an opium fix from time to time.

If they drug tested the players during the IPL, we might have lost half the players, half the officials and more than a few commentators.

Drugs and the IPL go hand in hand, don’t they Mr Modi.

The only question now is, what shit can Asif get himself into next?

I got my money on a gun running campaign out of the

Now with new proper english lady blogger.

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