Sunday, June 22, 2008

White bowls, true story

Usually I wouldn’t look at tour game stats, but now David Hussey is in the fray I can’t help myself.

He hit a lazy 55 with five 6’s and took 2/4.

Without Sourav around you would expect the Future PM to shine.

What I didn’t expect to see was Cameron White bowling 8 overs.

You could say I was befuddled.

Quickly i regained my sense and went looking for the root cause of this "spell" of bowling.

No Ricky Ponting.

There are two captains in Australia who refuse to bowl White, Ponting and White.

I was ready to wipe off White as a bowler forever, but in the shield final White out bowled McGain, and yes I mentioned this to Bryce.

If White is ever going to be an allrounder he needs long spells.

Ever since the New Zealand tour of a few years back no one has wanted to bowl him, but he does actually have the talent to be a real spinner.

I promise I have seen him change the outcome of games with long spells, short spells and wrong ones.

Surely what Australia needs is another batsman who can bowl part time spin.

In other news Shane Watson made some runs.

But I am sure you are more interested in Hussey and

Now with new proper english lady blogger.

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