Sunday, June 29, 2008

Joe Average, the philosopher

Bryce McGain is a thinker.

I don’t say that just because he wears glasses.

He has theories on things, and they don’t come straight from the cliché mill.

My favourite was about bowling.

He was talking about if he plays in India they will try and destroy him.

The really interesting stuff though was about his theory on bowling.

In his mind once the ball leaves your hand that’s it.

You can’t control what happens next.

You plan and then try and execute a ball to get the batsman out, but once the ball leaves your hand the batsman is in control.

Especially as a spinner you can land the perfect ball and the batsman can put it in the stand.

I think too many bowlers especially young bowlers, worry more about what the batsman will do than actually what they are doing.

Your job is to get the ball in the right position and then hope it’s good enough to make the batsman make an error.

You really can’t do any better than bowling a good ball, whether it gets hit for six, or gets a wicket is beyond your control once it leaves your hand.

It’s a different way of looking at bowling.

Other bowlers may think the same way, but I’ve never heard anyone explain it like this.

At the end he said no matter how far they hit me for six it wont change the fact that I know I can bowl.

He doesn’t just wear the glasses just for the ladies, I think he reads books and

Now with new proper english lady blogger.

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