Friday, June 27, 2008

Alan Jones, tickets please

Alan Jones has come to the rescue of CWB’s favourite grumpy old man Neil Harvey.

He has gone deep into his wallet and purchased tickets for Harvey, Arthur Morris, Alan Davidson and Ken Archer to attend Alec Bedser’s 90th birthday spectacular.

Alan Jones loves helping out cricket identities.

Only days ago he gave a truly inspirational Eulogy about Jane McGrath and her love of fashion.

When Damien Martyn wanted to hide from the press Alan held his hand.

And when Brett Lee got married, he could think of no other place than Mr Jones house to get married in, it was immaculately decorated.

With all that in mind it occurred to me that I am a cricket identity, of sorts.

Sure I am less grumpy than Neil Harvey, but I can get pretty grumpy.

I may not have set up my own charity like Jane, but I knew someone with cancer once.

I may not have the natural talent of Damien Marytn, but I was a better travel agent than him.

And I have 9 times the musical talent of Brett Lee, even though I can’t play an instrument.

Plus I have this blog, people read it, and it’s all about cricket.

So that must make me an Australian Cricket personality, which is like being a player, except with less talent.

If anyone knows about wanting to be a sportsman, but not quite making it and therefore latching on in any way he can, it’s Alan Jones.

No one has done a better job of infiltrating Australian sport at all levels.

With that in mind Alan, I come to you hat in hand, my tickets to the England are expensive, and your kind nature towards my kind could extend to you purchasing the tickets for me.

I am willing to travel on any Airline except Korean Air, and Aeroflot.

Economy is not a problem, as unlike the other 4 guys, I have my own hips and knees.

Accommodation is not a problem, but if you could spring for excess baggage and a new lap top (mac) would be appreciated.

You’re a champ son.

A racist hate filled bigoted closeted hatemongering

Now with new proper english lady blogger.

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