Saturday, June 21, 2008

The England puts in a sub Quaker performance

The media said the wicket was a bowlers paradise.

The ball was dancing off the wicket.

The clouds were making straight balls curve in the air, literally swinging away from the batsman.

And the pitch had some sort of trampoline quality to it that made the simplest ball jolt up at unplayable angles.

Well all this must have happened after I fell asleep watching New Zealand bat.

There is no doubt the pitch had a bit of Honky tonk in it.

But to say it was the reason these two sides struggled to make any runs is pushing it.

If Elliott and Mills can put on a partnership like that 7 wickets down, it’s not really a shocking pitch now is it.

Was it the pitches fault that Taylor played every drive straight to a fielder, even the scorching ones?

Was it the pitches fault that Flynn refused to play a shot, until he scooped a ball straight up in the air?

Was it the pitches fault that Jamie How thought he was wearing whites?

Prince Brendan seemed to handle the amazingly hostile pitch so well that if he hadn’t found KP he may have made one of those 70 off 40 innings he likes so much.

The pitch was in the bowlers favour, but when those pitches were common place, batsmen would have found a way out of the storm.

Now they bat with bemused looks on their face and you can see them ringing their managers/parents/lovers in the change rooms to complain about the pitch (well they would if phones in the change room were legal).

Once the wickets start falling they throw their arms in the air in a queer fashion and let the game slip away.

I didn’t watch the England bat, but they are rubbish, and watching them would have thrust the point home for

Now with new proper english lady blogger.

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