Monday, June 23, 2008

the prophets explained

Jesus was a wicket keeper.

Soft hands that got worse with age.

A scratchy start, but he was 30 before you knew it.

Willing to sacrifice his innings for the good of the team.

L Ron Hubbard was a mystery spinner.

A lot of talk about the legality of his action.

Once worked out, was relatively straight forward.

Exiled from the game.

Rael is a leg spinner.

His good balls are unplayable.

His bad balls are truly horrible.

Every team should have one, but only one, no clones allowed.

Joseph Smith was a medium pacer.

Not flashy, but he got the wickets.

Bowled long spells with several different bowlers rotated at the other end.

Like to bowl uphill.

Moses was an all rounder.

Sometimes he led the attack.

Sometimes he took the attack to the opposition.

Was quite fickle about the rules of the game.

Muhammad is a cricket administracrat.

Invented a new form of the game.

He wrote the rule book, and did the publicity.

People in certain geographical places loved this game so much, they abandoned other forms of

Now with new proper english lady blogger.

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