Sunday, June 22, 2008

Every vote counts

I don’t ask much of you at cricket with balls.

I give free infotainment to you 3 or 4 times a day.

Where else can you get information about how players have sex?

Where else can you get information on Dirk Nannes or Bryce McGain?

How many other blogs advise you of their wacky and perverted google searches, such as “preity zinta cricket orgy”?

What other cricket blog seamlessly slips Natalie Portman into it’s posts?

And how many cricket blogs have a Podcast for your enjoyment?

The one thing I ask of my followers is that they support my petitions.

I know it takes a lot to make people to actually participate and not just view.

But I am trying to save Bill Lawry.

Bill freakin Lawry, not promote some obscure Victorian, or get myself into a magazine.

It’s Bill Lawry, a legend, an Icon, a man who has gotten excited over every nationality of cricketer in the world.

He is in danger of being fired, so they can keep some wanky git who has so many allegiances he doesn’t know who he supports.

A man who supports rebel leagues for cash and wants to make people grovel.

Bill doesn’t want to make anyone grovel, he just wants to entertain us while we watch the cricket, no secret agendas up his sleeve.

This is not something for just the commenters to do, I want every reader of CWB to get behind Bill, before it's too late.

If you don't want to do it for Bill, do it for me, your humble cricket blogger who has made you smile over a bagel once or twice.

So please support Bill Lawry and sign the petition.


Now with new proper english lady blogger.

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