Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Breaking news

This is not official yet, but CNN and Fox news are running with it, so I will too.

Ireland’s physio, Iain Knox (also known as Knoxy and vowels) is quiting their national team.

The Irish cricket community has gone into shock.

Children won’t touch their potatoes, and U2’s with or without you has been yanked from all play lists.

Knoxy was obviously well known through out the world, and this decision will shake the very foundations of sport.

He was reticent to leave such an esteemed position, but in the end the allure of working in his families car parts business was too great for him.

This follows a string of high profile departures from the world of cricket.

Bermuda’s assistant media affairs official, Dwayne Phillips, had to step down last week, as the commute was too long.

Namibia’s mental strength guy, Billy Shackles, was killed in a bar brawl with a Mexican named Trejos.

And who can forget Mal Speed getting fired in the red lip gate of recent times.

Cricket is in an upheaval people.... "Now with extra juicy Podcast"

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