Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Ashes 2009 - plane temporarily grounded in Rajasthan

I promised to bring you each and every snippet of Ashes ephemerea, but I have failed already. So like a cheating boyfriend buying his girlfriend a Hermes Birkin bag, I am making amends late, but in the best way possible. Is it possible to over-hype the Ashes? My friends, over the coming months, we will see.
So, England have a series with NZ on at the moment, Australia are about to play the Windies, there's still plenty of shiny blingy IPL drinking-game fun to be had, but any snippet - ANY - of Ashes-related news will still rise to the top. This week there have been two:
1) As already covered by The Jrod, the (metaphorical) plane (metaphorically) carrying the Ashes from Australia back to England may have made an unscheduled stop in Rajasthan to refuel, as Shane Warne has hinted at a return to Test cricket next year so as to have one last chance at whupping The England.
The Jrod wasn't happy with this because of its impact on Bryce McGain. However, I think that this is the best thing (well, apart from actually being selected himself) that Bryce could have hoped for. If Australia go with some young buck, then surely all hope is gone for Bryce and he will have been officially Passed Over For Selection.
But if Warne, three years older than Nice Bryce, is selected, then perhaps the door is still open. Bryce, see, I still have the faith. The "I'm Pushing For Nice Bryce" t-shirt is good for a few more outings yet.
2) "They" are already talking about how "they" want Michael "Michael Vaughan" Vaughan to be the captain for the Ashes.
Um, between now and then there's the Kiwis, the Saffers, the India, and then the Windies.
If I were the Kiwis I'd not be too keen on being seen as the first warm-up act, and not just because I have a major soft spot (RIGHT HERE BABY) for the Kiwis.
Is it too radical a suggestion that England concentrate on the matter in hand and get into a winning habit? Then perhaps the "rebuilding" that they are always banging on about might actually start to happen.
[b]Other things, apart from Shane Warne, that are due a comeback: [/b] [b][/b]PashminasThey Might Be GiantsCarpet CURLY HAIR for the love of God. It's been yearsHooch alcoholic lemonadeScratch N Sniff stickersTransfers (that you rub onto paper, not the football kind)Crazy pavingIce magic (you know, the chocolate sauce that solidifies when you pour it onto icecream)Rulers with moving pictures on them/changing colours/holograms in generalSupersonic air travel Posters of hunky men holding babies (the James Corden one in GQ may not be to everybody's taste)Writing letters on paper GyroscopesArranging to meet properly, not just giving a vague time and location and trying to figure it out with phones when you get there.The Ashes.

Now with new proper english lady blogger.

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