Tuesday, May 27, 2008

kiwis can't fly, windies neither

The day started with New Zealand in a great position, and the Windies in a good position.

It ended with New Zealand being embarrassed, and the Windies falling apart.

The results were not that surprising.

England had built a platform the night before, Australia was always going to be hard to climb.

But it was the little things that worried me.

New Zealand seemed to have no real intensity all day.

They just simply never looked like winning.

When KP had run himself out, and Bell & Collingwood were faffing about, New Zealand should have been up and firing.

But there was a distinct lack of Australia or South Africa like hunger.

There should have been fire & Brimstone, not marshmellows and milk.

It was almost as if they just decided this wasn’t their day.

When Iain O’Brien dropped a catch that the star of turtles can fly would have caught, he looked like a basket case waiting to happen.

Almost all the Kiwis dropped their heads.

Instead of thinking that they were creating chances, they seemed to think, well we had our shot.

One more wicket and they could have won, but they clearly did not believe that.

New Zealand do not know how to win, they know how to watch the other side fall apart, but that’s where they stop.

They are like a sensitive dude who the ladies all like, and who the ladies all wanna do nasty things with, but the dude doesn’t know it and he just sits in the corner with a woe is me look on his face.

The Windies had other problems, their top order only has two stars.

One went out playing across the line, one went out with a soft push back to the bowler.

Shit happens however.

The problem was that no one, Chrab included wanted to fight.

They started positively, but once Sarwan went out, and Clark was in his swing, they clearly did not want to put in the hard work.

And that it didn’t hurt the Windies enough to lose.

Sarwan and Bravo were laughing and clowning around as their team was 6 for not many.

That is not good enough.

There is a reason Australia has been a great side, they hate to lose.

Really really hate it.

Ponting was in a foul mood all the way through the 2005 ashes.

Border was in a shit mood all the way through the 80’s.

And Steve Waugh is still angry because he lost a game of go fish against his brother in ’74.

Sarwan did not look like a test captain who was about to lose a test match, he looked like a dude who was talking about what his missus does when shes drunk.

The Windies are like the well dressed dude that the ladies gravitate to. But instead of putting in the hard work, buying the drinks, doing the dancing, and listening to their stories, he retires back to his mates and says things like, did you see her tits.


Now with new proper english lady blogger.

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