Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The reasons why Warne won’t play test cricket again

Cricket Australia don’t negotiate with terrorists.

Warne won’t make his way out to the back of the Ponsford to face Dirty Dirk Nannes.

No point picking him if it’s only one series, he is either in for the long haul, or he can go play poker.

Stuart MacGill is hardly likely to break his leg.

Cricket Australia are never ever going to ask him to play, it sets a precedent, and administracrats don’t like precedents.

Bryce McGain owns one hell of a voodoo doll.

The side is bigger than the individual, Australia has prided itself on that, speak to Steve Waugh or Ian Healy for proof.

If the selectors pick him now, it shows that they think they can’t win without him.

Test cricket requires boot camps, dieticians, and light beer.

There is no money in it.

It’s a lot easier making a comment to the press and watching them all talk about you, than it is to train for a 5 test series that is spread over 8 months.

Australia does a lot of things in cricket that they shouldn’t, but bowing down to retired champions usually isn’t one of them.

Victoria already has two leg spinners, not sure we can fit in a third....
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