Saturday, May 24, 2008

Is short bowling the new black

In the last 2 days I have seen batsman worked over.

Somehow I missed Daniel Flynn and his teeth defence.

But I did see Runako Morton and Jacob Oram have to play long spells from their throats.

And isn’t it good to see.

Morton and Oram dispatch anything full, they are brutal with full balls.

But drop the ball in short, aim at their throats, and they turn into little bunny rabbits.

England don’t have any out and out quicks, but that didn’t stop their male models and the cover band drummer attacking Oram repeatedly.

And boy did he look dodgy.

You would hardly believe he was the same man who smoted the Poms a week earlier.

He is not the first tall batsman to look dodgy against the short stuff, but it's nice to knwo he is human.

Runako smokes balls that are full, when he hits them, but with Brett Lee working him over, his elbow looked to get more work than his bat.

It seems odd to see a West Indian batsman get worked over by the short ball so well.

They only reason he didn't go out to it was dumb luck.

The way both of these boys played the short ball, they both better get used to facing it.

And I can't wait to see

Now with new proper english lady blogger.

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