Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Future PM vs Brad

Do the selectors feel the owe Brad Hodge?

They were the people who dropped him after he made a test double century.

Are there lingering feelings regarding this.

Is Merv, protecting his old team mate.

I had always figured selectors had no heart, just a infinite vacuum in their chest.

Maybe I'm wrong, nah, i doubt it.

On form Brad Hodge is not the man who should have been picked to replace Clarke, Future PM David Hussey is.

Hussey average 56 in shield cricket this year, scoring over 1000 first class run and made scores against everyone.

Hodge, by his standards had a poor year. His only big score was against a Queensland line up that lost 3 bowlers mid match.

Until the final he looked patchy at best.

David, Future PM, Hussey however looked in Natalie Portman form all summer.

He could have been stuck inside a floating latex bubble and still made runs.

Every time he came to the wicket when Victoria was in trouble, which was 60% of the time, he made runs.

He dominated all forms of cricket, and I have reason to believe at night he walked the streets and solved crimes.

The only reason I can see that Brad Hodge would be selected ahead of David Hussey would be if Ricky Ponting stomped his foot.

Ricky has always had a soft spot for Hodge, he really does like his moody arrogant number 4 batsman.

But Ricky, I know David isn’t moody, or arrogant, but he has other qualities you may enjoy, like match changing innings, and straight breaks.

Ricky, I know Hodge is your buddy, but David Hussey is the man.... "Now with extra juicy Podcast"

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