Friday, May 23, 2008

Some of you don't seem to understand Google.
You are supposed to put in search terms that you think might be in the source text that you are looking for.
You are NOT meant to ask questions, unless you are looking on the internet for an instance of that question being asked. (Sigh).
However, as I am so good, kind and generous, I have - yes that's right! - taken it upon myself to use the correct conduit for your questions, AQA (who should really be paying me for my constant, relentless promotion of them on this site or at the very least sending me some kind of pretty gift), to find your answers.So:

[b]Q: Where can I get glasses like brendon mccullum [/b][b]
[/b]A: " 'Leader Boston ' glasses are similar to Brendan McCullum's and cost £32.50 from . However, they do not have prescription lenses."
Note how AQA subtlely but firmly corrects the misspelling of "Brendan". A researcher after my own heart, I think.

Q: what wristband is stuart broad wearing[/b]
A: "Sorry, AQA can't find what wristband Stuart Broad is wearing. Stuart was born on 24 June 1986 in Nottingham. He is 6 feet and 5 inches tall."
O noes! AQA!

Q: how to pronounce pomersbach[/b]
A: "The surname Pomersbach is pronounced "pommers bash". It looks as though you'd pronounce the "bach" bit as the composer's name, but apparently not."
I conspicuously avoid making a "pommy bash" joke. The Jrod didn't, so in return I confirm for the Aussies that the composer "Bach" is basically pronounced "bark".

Q: suggest a good name for my new cricket team [/b][b]
[/b]A: A good name for your new cricket team could be "The Wicket Takers", "The Century Runners", "The Willow Whackers" or the "Village Green Gang".
They're not brilliantly imaginative, but any of these are better than "Mumbai Indians".

[b]Q: why did people become bushrangers[/b]
A: "a "bushranger" is defined as "a person living far from civilisation". In the historical sense, it refers to an outlaw living in the bush. "
Far from civilisation? Harsh on Melbourne, very harsh.

Yes, I am aware that people who now google these phrases are going to end up at this post, which I believe is what they call "meta".

Oh, and for the person who googled "crazy women females girls for Daniel Vettori" - yes, you've come to the right place.

Now with new proper english lady blogger.

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