Sunday, May 25, 2008

Hear My Prayer, O Rain Gods

Dearest Rain Gods

You treated me well today (Sunday). It rained and RAINED this morning, so that we didn't have to do a Corpus Christi day procession outside through the streets. Thank you, sincerely. Then this afternoon the skies cleared and you gave us beautiful weather for the party I went to.
Now I have one more favour to ask.
Please please PLEASE could there be no rain, snow, bad light, sleet, drizzle, mizzle, or snow tomorrow in Manchester or Jamaica.
For the avoidance of doubt, Rain Gods, I mean MONDAY in the UK, NOT Tuesday. Don't get confused by the Aussie timings on this site.

I know that it's a Bank Holiday in the UK and that therefore rain is practically compulsory, but please try to contain yourselves, just this once.
You see, there are two very exciting run chases happening, and it would break my heart if either match were to be ruined by your capricious will.
England need 218 more runs to win, although they have Tuesday too so I don't mind a little bit of rain if it's all part of your masterplan to provide an exciting finale to what has already been a brilliantly twisty-turny test match.

England looked down and out, you see, but then the Kiwis imploded in a very, well, English manner, leaving the match Intriguingly Poised.
The West Indies, though, only have tomorrow in which to get 241 runs to beat the mighty Australia. Australia, Rain Gods! The Windies bowled them out for 167!

So it comes down to 241 runs, or 9 wickets, in one day. It's practically the definition of Intriguingly Poised!
That is all, Rain Gods, that is all I ask.

Now with new proper english lady blogger.

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