Tuesday, May 13, 2008

eating marlon

I like Marlon Samuels.

But like the girl you fondled at the back of the pub, the more you know about him, the less likely you are to take him home to your mother.

Firstly he was ruined by the tag promising.

He was promising for so long, people forgot why he was promising, and just figured he’d never make it.

Secondly he is a chucker.

I don’t mean he has a defect in his action that means he bends his arm at release, I mean the dude bowls his quicker ball like a zulu warrior trying to spear some breakfast.

Thirdly he gave John the bookie a few tips on the make up of his team.

Sure he probably said, we are crap, perhaps even, really crap, but giving information to bookies is only ok if you did it before the ICC cared enough to crack down on it.

So now this promising chucking bookie lover is looking at a year off.

Where does this leave the West Indies team?

Statistically I am sure they can cover him, but after watching him in South Africa, I was convinced he was going to jump to the next level.

Now, with the possibility of the sort of holiday that usually has the words minimum security involved, he may never make it.

The Windies cannot afford to lose him, and the WICB, have already been told by Richie Richardson that a suspended sentence is the best way to go.

But the ICC, still angry after redlipgate, will not allow any suspended sentences for a man who gave information to bookies for cash.

Would be a shame if we lose Samuel for a couple, because I doubt we would ever see him again, and when he is switched on he is a delight to watch....
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