Sunday, May 25, 2008

Veruca Sidebottom, or Sidebottom the stroppy

I haven’t seen a lot of him bowl.

I saw him in Sri Lanka, New Zealand and now in this series.

But I don’t remember him being a stroppy cow like he is now.

I am pretty sure he said to Mills “I want an oompa loompa now daddy”.

The stroppiness has reached Nel like levels.

But Nel is funny.

Ryan is not.

For a man with a severe waddle to the wicket, he seems overly confident.

I know he won the series in New Zealand, but, wickets don’t allow you stroppiness, nothing allows you stroppiness.

Worst examples of Ryan’s new found stroppiness.

His treatment of English fielders. Ryan they are not your biaches, they are people too.

His faux throwing back at the batsman. It’s uncoordinated, and you don’t pick up the ball half the time.

His head head whips, which look flat out ridiculous.

His spitting in anger, he looks like a snake trying to eat a dodo egg.

Sidebottom was a chane to be a working class hero.

The cover band drummer hair do.

The ample caboose.

The waddle to the wicket.

The wickets.

But now he could be alienating the very people who want to make him a cult hero.

I know Allan Donald told you to be aggressive Ryan, but you look like a cock when you do

Now with new proper english lady blogger.

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